Meteonet Mono and Multi Software
« METEONET MONO » software
Display and storage on PC of the values measured and processed by the IRDAM weather sensor. Data are available in graphic or text mode. For Windows 2000, XP or Vista.
Examples of screen capture:
Screen with on-line data’s and refreshing every 200 ms
Day to day selection and graphics on 24 hours
Data base under ACCESS for statistics.
« METEONET MULTI » software
The METEONET software is installed on a PC and connected to your LAN/ Intranet installation. This soft ware is needed to see all information from more than one weather station IRDAM. (Up to 8 on the same screen) METEONET therefore allows also to see the measures in right and same time and on any PC connected to the WEB Intranet through a LAN. METEONET register all information received from the different stations under ACCESS format. The user can also use the information for applications such as:
– Sending of meteorological data on Internet page.
– Statistics reports and application under ACCESS
– Alarm statistics when use with GEPAL